
DNA Interpretation & Reports

I am interested in helping folks interpret their genetic results! If you purchased a DNA test (autosomal / Y-DNA / mtDNA) and are curious about what it says about your ancestry, I’m the person who can help figure out what’s actually going on! Contact me and let’s connect to solve some mysteries.

Chat with Leo – For $50 an hour, connect with me on Zoom or another medium that you prefer. We’ll discuss your questions in an open dialogue and you’ll leave with some answers.

Written report – For $75, you’ll receive a short report aimed at answering a few main questions that you have about your results. My analysis and sources will be included for your own use.

Report + Chat – For $100, I’ll write the report and connect with you to chat about my findings, giving the opportunity for immediate follow-up questions to be answered.

Can use Venmo, PayPal, Check, or Cash for transfers.

Project Collaboration

I am passionate about making progress in historical population genetics. I can help you and your team analyze, interpret, and synthesize different kinds of population genetics and historical data. My specialty lies with uniparental analysis but I have broad experience in the proper interpretation and synthesis of population genetics and historical patterns generally.

Contact me ( to discuss how I will help your project and improve your arguments and analyses.

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